We believe Parents, Carers and childcare staff should work together to have a positive impact on the child’s emotional well being and learning. We will ensure a ‘Key Person’ system is in place to enable us to develop mutual trust and respect between Nursery Staff, Parents and Carers. Read more about our Parent and Careers Partnership Policy here.
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions by our Parents and Carers:
How do you communicate with parents?
We use an app called Famly to share the observations and assessments of your child, using Birth to Five Matters to monitor the children’s progress. The app is a great platform that enables us to share daily meals, activities, topics we’re working on and any other relevant information. You can also access support such as special offers in the local community.​ We have also have information on display boards at the Nursery entrance.
How do you keep me up to date with my child’s progress?
As well as using the Family app your child’s Key Worker can arrange suitable times to meet with you to discuss your child’s progress. If your child is in the Baby Room you will be given a daily written update detailing your child’s food intake, sleep times and nappy changes and any additional information staff feel you need to know.
What should my child wear?
Please remember to dress your child in easily removable clothing and shoes to encourage independence. It will also enable them to remove their clothes quickly so they can use the toilet without difficulty. We always advise comfortable clothes and ones that you don’t mind getting dirty. Please can you make sure all of your child’s clothes are clearly labelled with their name. We’d also like to ask that you provide a spare set of clothes on your child’s peg in case of emergencies.
What will my child be given to eat?
The Nursery provide freshly cooked meat free food each day. Our aim is to promote healthy eating and discourage food /drinks that may damage teeth. Sweets and sugary drinks are not allowed at all and so we would be grateful if you could support us with this by not sending your child in with them.
What happens on Birthdays?
We realise that birthdays are very special and a cause for celebration. We encourage parents or carers to only bring in a cake on their child’s birthday so they can celebrate with their friends. We don’t ask for party bags containing sweets, bubbles or other party toys.
Who do I inform if my child is absent?
Please telephone the Nursery as early as possible after 8.00am if your child is going to be late or absent from the Nursery. Please contact us on 0151 708 3930.
When should I keep my child off Nursery?
Please DO NOT bring your child into the Nursery for up to 48 hours if they are suffering from any infectious or contagious illness, sickness or diarrhoea. This is very important, as if your child is ill, the infection may be passed on to other children or members of staff. Please consult with Nursery Staff if you require any further information.
Can you help my child with toilet training?
We aim to work with you and will adhere to your wishes as to when/how to proceed. Staff are experienced in guiding children through this stage of development and will be happy to offer advice if you require it. If your child wears nappies, please ensure you leave an adequate supply of nappies and wipes at the Nursery.
What do I need to bring for my baby?
You will need to leave with us an adequate supply of the following items:
Nappies, wipes and cream
Bottles are made up at nursery by qualified staff as and when needed. You will need therefore to bring in sterilised bottles daily or leave a supply at nursery for the staff to sterilise using a steam steriliser and also an unopened box or tin of milk. Readymade cartons can also be brought in to use if preferred.
Baby foods when weaning: From approximately six months, Nursery lunches are suitable for babies and can be liquidised/blended.
A spare set of clothes.